Piano Fundamentals 1 | First Lessons
Get Started With Your First Lesson
Piano Fundamentals One is an entry level course for beginning piano students. This course lays the groundwork for students to become proficient piano/keyboard players. The objective of this course is for students to know: major and minor chords, notes on the staff, note values, and how to read lead sheets. At the end of the course students will have a good understanding of basic music theory, and the ability to play songs with major chords and minor chords.

Fundamentals 1.1
Piano Fundamentals 2 | Step Up
Continue Mastering the Fundamentals in Course 2
This course is perfect for those who have finished Fundamentals 1, or those who know the piano but need a refresher course.
In this course we learn: 1. Major Scales 2. Basic Chord Progressions 3. Ear Training 4. Music Sight Reading 5. Songs

Piano Fundamentals 3 | The Good Stuff
The third course in the series is an introduction to chord extensions
Piano Fundamentals Three is an intermediate level course for piano students. This course builds upon the foundational work set in Fundamentals 1 & 2. The objective of this course is for students to know: Major 7th and Dominant 7th chords, Minor Scales, Chord Substitutions, Diminished and Augmented Chords, and 2-5-1 Progressions. At the end of the course students will have an understanding of intermediate music theory, and the ability to play songs with complex harmony.

Piano Fundamentals 4 | The Secrets
This course contains information that you must meditate on!
Seriously, take this course when you are confident you understand the fundamentals.
Piano Fundamentals Four is an advance course in complex harmony and application. This course lays the groundwork for students to utilize advance theory in their own music. The objective of this course is for students to know and use: Major and Minor Extensions (9s, 11s, 13ths), Chord Voicing, Diminished and Half Diminished 7ths, Augmented Extensions, and Minor 2-5-1 applications. At the end of the course students will have a good understanding of advance harmony, and can add creativity to personal piano arrangements.